What is art therapy?

More creation can mean less medication.

Arts Prescription

We could fill this page with scientific research, data, and clinical language—but we know that what truly matters to you is how these art therapy treatments can make a difference in your life and the lives of your loved ones.

So, that’s exactly what we’re here to share.

Who Can Benefit from Art Therapy?

Our art therapy programs support a diverse range of individuals, including:

  • Children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities
  • Children experiencing behavioral or social challenges at school or home
  • Children and adults with advanced medical needs
  • Those who have suffered from a traumatic brain injury
  • The aging elderly with neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s Disease
  • Those struggling with symptoms related to a mental health diagnosis
close-up of hand painting with colored watercolors

Music and art are the guiding lights of the world.

Then… How do we do it?

Art Therapy

To put it simply, art therapy can be the brush needed to help paint the picture of a better life. It’s not about the product, it’s about the process.

We do this by:

  • Guided creation of artwork
  • Encouraging self-expression
  • Interpreting and exploring emotions through artmaking

It’s more than just color-by-number. Creating works of art generates an amazing rainbow of emotions through which therapeutic healing can be done. Creativity can open the doors to dark and empty spaces and let in the sunshine. Sunshine needed to live a healthier and happier life.

Art Therapy

No, you do not, but you do need an open mind and readiness to explore with your own creativity.
Art therapists are licensed mental health professionals who have gone through significant training and education and have achieved a Master of Science in Art Therapy degree. In the United States, they achieve licensure through the American Art Therapy Association. Many go on to earn board certification and other complementary licensures in the fields of counseling, psychology, or education.
The sky’s the limit! Our sessions are developed around the client’s needs and interests. We offer a vast range of materials including paint, markers, fibers, clay, paper, and even recycled materials. Each process will be facilitated by the therapist to allow for a beneficial and safe experience.
Not at all. Art therapy is about allowing the artist to explore their own creative process. After all, you are the expert in your art-making. The art therapist is there to help guide those personal explorations, rather than interpret.

Some responses we look for in an appropriate candidate for art therapy are:

  • Client stays on task/maintains attention longer when attending to an art task rather than a non-art task
  • There aren’t many other approaches that are effective
  • Art-making or art-related tasks appear to be motivating to the client and the client is able to complete
    tasks and follow directions while engaged with art.
  • Client interacts positively with art tools and materials, and is willing to engage with them.
  • If experiencing physical pain, the client demonstrates relief from pain through distraction with art, music or sensory techniques (Noted by change in facial expression, deeper breathing, or verbally expressing relief)
  • Client demonstrates focus/attention on art-making or art materials.

Here's what people are saying about us...


My mother died this morning, so I wanted to let you know that. I am so grateful for the care that Alisha and Rachel have shown her. The music brought joy into her life and my only regret is that I did not sign her up sooner! I spread the word about music therapy, and Healing Harmonies, whenever possible. You provide such a valuable service, and on a personal level, you have all been so kind and compassionate. I am also grateful for having specifically found Healing Harmonies.


Ann R, daughter of client, Lee. R​

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